Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Cultural supremacy, as articulated by Vanessa Andreotti, refers to the implicit or explicit belief that one culture is inherently superior to others, which manifests in attitudes, policies, and practices that reinforce power imbalances and systemic inequalities. This hierarchical worldview privileges the dominant culture’s norms, values, and knowledge systems while marginalizing or devaluing those of other cultures. Cultural supremacy fuels a cycle of exclusion, oppression, and erasure of diverse ways of being, knowing, and relating, perpetuating colonial legacies and sustaining global inequities. It demands critical reflection and active engagement in deconstructing ingrained superiority complexes and fostering respectful, reciprocal intercultural relationships that honor multiplicity and shared humanity.

See also: white supremacy, indigenous people, global education, power relation

David Lam Chair in Multicultural Education Masterclass: Stacked Weights, Dr. Vanessa Andreotti 265